Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ptlls Level 3 Assignment
Write a concise summary (approximately 1’200 words) to demonstrate your understanding of your role and responsibilities as a teacher in relation to: ? Your responsibilities and those of others who have an effect on your work. ? Legislation – how might it impact on your area and context of teaching. ? Equality, diversity and inclusion – in what ways can you integrate these principles into your teaching. ? Internal and external assessment requirements- what requirements do you need to follow in this area. Keeping records – what records do you need to keep and why. Recommended word count 1’200 words†¦.. Tip. (Highlight your text click tools select word count) Assignment 2 – ANSWER: Your responsibilities and those of others who have an effect on your work As a teacher it is your responsibility to ensure the learners achieve the intended learning outcomes which should give them a fair opportunity of passing the course assessment criteria.The teachers role would normally include the following:- †¢Identifying the learner needs, completing an initial learner assessment prior to the course will give a better understanding of learner knowledge / experience; †¢Knowing the availability of any specific resources to assist in the learning process; †¢Identifying learner outcomes and liaising with key stakeholders / employers to discuss desired outcomes and the planning of varied activities to aid the learning process; †¢Ensuring suitable ccommodation / facilities are available, to provide the desired learning setting; †¢Ensuring adequate lesson plans are available for the programmes being delivered, and that the lesson plans are followed or adapted to ensure all learning outcomes are met; †¢Provide learner support as deemed necessary to achieve the learning outcomes; †¢Ensuring that all learners are not only included in the learning process, but actively participate; †¢Assess learners achie vements throughout the programme, giving feedback in a positive manner; †¢Assess learners achievements at the end of the programme, and recording those achievements; †¢Internal verification of colleagues assessment decisions and reviewing assessment records; †¢Review and evaluate feedback from learners and other stakeholders, in order to improve future delivery techniques and programme resources; †¢Maintain adequate records of assessment for traceability and quality assurance requirements, particularly with external organisations, such as awarding bodies; †¢Recognize your own limitations and seek further advice from colleagues or others who may have relevant experience and knowledge; †¢Promoting values in keeping with equality, diversity and inclusion, and lead by example; †¢Be professional in your relationship with others, maintain integrity, be respectful, consider appropriate language and tone of voice; †¢Maintain compliance with set polici es and procedures from both your organisation and external bodiesThe above roles and responsibilities can be best summed up in the five stage teaching and learning cycle:- initial assessment, planning and preparation, teaching, assessment, evaluation. This five stage cycle is a continuous process which will ensure teachers can improve and evolve the learning programmes and outcomes. The teachers role and responsibilities will vary greatly from organisation to organisation, so it is important to find out what your organisation requires before the learning programmes begin. Legislation – how might it impact on your area and context of teaching Legislation affects each and every one of us, some to a lesser or greater degree than others.As a teacher, there are not only policies and procedures to follow, but legislative requirements which have to be met. These include the following:- †¢Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 – the cornerstone of all safety legislation, th is act sets out the general duties which employers have towards employees and members of the public, and employees have to themselves and each other; †¢Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 – main requirements are for employers to carry out risk assessment, and have access to competent safety advice; †¢Disability Discrimination Act 2005 – this legislation promotes civil rights for disabled people and protects them from discrimination.The Act requires public bodies to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people, and also gives rights to them in areas such as employment and education; †¢Data Protection Act 1998 – gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them, and those that processes personal information must comply with eight principles, which makes sure that personal information is fairly and lawfully processed; processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate and up to date; not kept for longer than is necessary; processed in line with your rights; secure; not transferred to other countries without adequate protection; †¢ Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 – protects the rights of the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, recordings and broadcasts.Copyrighted material can only be copied with the copyright owner’s permission, which includes books, music, photographs, drawings, diagrams, etc; †¢Sex Discrimination Act 175 – this Act makes it unlawful to treat a woman or a man less favourably in employment, training and related matters, education and the provision of goods, facilities and services on the grounds of their gender or marriage; †¢Race Relations Act 1976 – this Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins in employment, training and related matters, education and the provision of goods, facilities and services; †¢Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999 – these regulations cover employment and vocational training only; the regulations extend the Sex Discrimination Act (1995) to cover discrimination on the grounds of gender reassignment (as defined by the Act as ‘a process undertaken under medical supervision, for the purposes of reassigning a person’s sex by changing physiological or other characteristics of sex and includes any part of such a process); †¢Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 – places public authorities under a general duty to promote race equality. They must aim to eliminate unlawful discrimination, promote equality of opportunity, promote good relations between people of different racial groups; †¢Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2000 – (referred to as Part 4 of the DDA 1995) this Act relates to education.Education establishments have legal responsibilities not to treat d isabled learners less favourably for a reason related to their disability and to provide reasonable adjustments for these students; †¢Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003 – these regulations make it unlawful to discriminate on grounds of religion or belief held (or lack of religion or belief) in employment and vocational training, and also include protection against direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, victimisation and harassment. Equality, diversity and inclusion – in what ways can you integrate these principles into your teaching All teachers have a duty to promote equality and inclusion within their learning programmes, and recognise the diverse needs of their learners. Equality is about treating everyone fairly and being given the same opportunities, although it is not about treating everyone the same, but as individuals and ensuring their individual needs are met.Diversity is about recognising individuals and their difference s, and as a teacher you should respect those differences, and cultural backgrounds of learners, colleagues and the community as a whole. Inclusion is about participation by all, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to participate within the learning process. Including group sessions within the learning programme could help to promote participation within the learning session, and break down any stigmas or perceived barriers. Internal and external assessment requirements- what requirements do you need to follow in this area As a teacher you should be fully aware of the requirements and procedures in relation to both internal assessment and external assessment.With any assessment process, this must be fully implemented to ensure compliance with our own internal assurance procedures, and where difficulties arise, this should be brought to the attention of your colleague or senior management to discuss the issues, and implement any necessary amendments or inclusions. In regard to extern al assessment, this is normally undertaken by an individual from outside the organisation, eg. quality assurance advisor from an Awarding Body. Failure to comply with the requirements could cause your organisation to have sanctions raised against it, thus preventing future learning programmes being delivered. Keeping records – what records do you need to keep and why With any learning programme, records should be kept to provide evidence of learning outcomes.It is the teachers responsibility to find out what records need to be kept, who needs access or copies, and where the records are to be stored or sent. Types of records which need to be kept will include:- initial assessment / enrolment forms; registration forms (so you know who should be attending); attendance registers (in case of emergency / fire, or to validate course attendance for grants, etc); session plans (for planning future programmes); results / grades achieved (for qualification or certification requirements) ; feedback forms / evaluations (to provide information for possible course improvement and quality assurance and auditing purposes).
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