Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership in Business Influences the Behaviors
Question: Discuss about the Leadership in Business for Influences the Behaviors. Answer: Introduction Leadership is a process by which one person influences the behaviors, attitude and thoughts of other people towards attainment of common aim and objectives. Leadership is only possible when it inspires someone. The effectives of a good leadership are totally dependent on the leadership ideas that can only be communicated to other in a manner to engage them and make them followers. The concept of leadership is essential in every organizational management. The following assignment includes the discussion about leadership in MYER store in Melbourne, Australia. This assignment describes the various styles of leaderships and its effect on a selected organization namely MYER. The behaviors of leadership, traits of leadership, basic power of leadership, differential leads are also assess according to the current environment of MYER. Overview of the Company Background of the Company The MYER store is situated in Melbourne (Australia) is a largest Australian retail store chain group which consists of more than thousand of products in the field of cosmetics, clothing accessories, and footwear, stationery and travel goods (Myer 2016). This department also includes many famous personalities as ambassadors. Figure 1: Home page of MYER (Source: Myer, 2016) The leader in MYER store Achieving professional competence: Jack Donovan has expressed his book which reflects the core virtues of masculinity; yet no individual can attain excellence in all fields. In a situation of leadership deploying and organizing staff members who are more knowledgeable than any staff members at specific fields; does not mean that they remain ignorant (Kumar et al. 2012). The general understandings of their job are necessary. For example, a programmer does not need a super computer; else he needs only concepts and principles of programming application. Appreciation of own strengths and weakness while pursuing self improvement: If the leaders are going to demand more from its employees; then he need to demand more from himself. According to Jack Donovan, it is very important to gear up own limitations and advantage instead of counting others feature. Accept and seek responsibility: In a retail sector chain of MYER, the store manager is accepting and seeking responsibility towards consumer aware ness in purchasing company products and services (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). The modern boss is achieving glory whilst a true leader is totally opposite. He is willing to take the dictatorship of world around him. This is very crucial to maintain customer loyalty and to draw more new customers towards the organization. Lead by an example: It is very important to demonstrate the upward pull instead of downward pull. To motivate the employees beneath underneath it need to show them as hard the leaders are (Lloyd 2016). It is very essential to set a perfect standard to them to aspire. It is important to be the solution not the question in an organizational management. Intent, meaning and accomplishment: According to Griffies (2012), all leaders in the MYERS retail sector are creative. The leaders is neither the boss nor the followers; if they understand the intend of another employees; they can impoverish it and bring the spectrum of ideas and information which would not have time to search out. Promotion of welfare: The MYERS Corporation gives what the customer wants; not what they need (Kumar et al. 2012). The store manager replaces all cogs of the respective departments which maximum leaders recognize with every individual; they are not disposable and he concerns himself with the betterment of the management perspectives. Development of leadership potential: To be a good leader it is very important to become a good follower. Leadership is not the mortality of MYERS. The store managers manage and manipulate the subordinates with critical understanding to enhance the principles to embody them. According to Griffies (2012), the development of potential in leadership may fall an upstream criterion in every organizational management. Making of timely decision: Making of good decision at right time is very important in every store department. It includes various intellectual concepts of stock and its records (Selcer, Goodman and Decker 2012). A good leader place faith to another leader and achieve confidence to forgive the mistakes that is acquired whilst demonstrating several records and data. The Followers The particular case classifies the followers under the moniker of Middle Management. The fundamental role of the SSM is to operate as the intermediary between the company and the consumers. Their primary functions involve maintaining effective contact with the field associates and aligning the companys targets and objectives accordingly with the market trends. According to Ginnett and Curphy (2015), the follower inputs direct the teams performance because the followers are the closest to the respective actions and resolve the problems efficiently. MYER owes its success majorly to this, at difficult times, determining the company to influence the market instead of being a slave to it. The Situations The offers are available online but will end soon. The ultimate weekend offers are valid on both mens and womens clothing, shoes, jackets, knitwear well as kids toys. The 48 hour online flash sale involves ladies wear, apparels etc. and on using the EXTRACHECK promo code, an additional 10%discount is delivered (Myer, 2016). Currently, there is also a clearance of stock, for which offers a straightaway discount of 50%. There is also the provision for the MYER VISA and cards at the annual fees of $69 and $39 respectively. Apart from this, two brands are launched namely Jack and Jones and the Hemingway design for Royal Doulton products. Behavior of leadership in MYER store There are various behavior of leadership that has been identified and analyzed while studying several articles and books. Some of these include learning continually, listening intently, expanding consistently and ability to see customer perceptions. Based on the scenario of MYERS the text book prescribed by Beck and Cowan (2014) presents that the behavior of leadership is depends upon the given situation. For example teaching, challenging, following, over indulging and solving big issues in an organizational management are the main work behavior of the leaders (Kumar et al. 2012). Learning continually has been sorely defined by Chemers (2014), that the store managers are making use of company resources and activities by initializing the learning by doing method. Listening intently implies listening of customer feedback and employee consideration with a view of creating strategic relationships among an organizational management. Expanding consistently means enhancing the organizational growth strategies in terms of measuring efficiency of customer awareness and maintaining flexibility of staff member associates (Edward and Mbohwa 2013). The MYERS retail segment quantifies the role of leadership in many ways by inhaling certain amendments in various ways. Traits of leadership in MYER store In reviewing the leadership of store manager it is very important to look the importance and purpose of an organizational management. The retail sales organization has develop a direct links to establish a strong bond among different consumer relationships. This concept is known as Personality traits. In the above mentioned books and references, the concept of Ocean Model has been clearly presented in Griffies (2012) and which has done an excellent job in pertaining out several intellectual issues. There are varieties of factors that affect the traits of leaderships which include emotional stability, social boldness, self assurance and compulsiveness. This assignment report also explains the concept of Ocean Model of Personality traits. In a store like MYER a perfect level of openness and compulsiveness has a very high level of neuroticism. In a retail chain management, a store manager possesses these traits at a constant end with no application consistency (Lloyd 2016). For instance, the store manager will display a high level of consistency with regards to the meetings that he has organized; yet the meetings was consistently failed the legitimate power of personality traits will be based on only available position in MYER store. Styles of leadership in MYER store Most of the leadership definitions are found to be common towards achieving a common aim and objectives (Zehrer et al. 2014). The different styles of leadership may influence the effectiveness and direction of leadership. This report also analyses various types of leadership in retail chain store which include Laissez faire, Autocratic, participative, Transactional and Transformable leadership. For the purpose of keeping an effective continuation, Chemers (2014) manifests that the transformational leadership would be ideal or the retail chain store. He also articulated that motivating the positive and emotional communication enforces the belief in the ability of the followers to raise its challenges; being responsive and supportive to the needs of employees in a nutritive environment. Draft (2014) has summarized that the high performance found in maximum followers would subject to transformational leadership which receives higher level of confidence and trust impressed on them by monetary purposes. Attitude of leadership in MYER store The most important attitude of leadership includes Positivity, Purpose, Compassion and Empathy, Humility and Love. In a retail sector like MYER, the store is positive in nature. He is highlighting perfect positive image in from of consumers. It is the essence of the Half Full leader. Purpose identifies the place in which the leaders lead different peoples in order to lead someone. In a retail sector like MYER, the store manager purpose is to lead other staff members so that the high proficiency can be achieved (Simha, Armstrong and Albert 2012). The term Compassion and Empathy implies the Golden Rule. It is concerned with the efficient organizational management that tends to initialize the prejudgment of employees. Therefore, it is very necessary for the store manager to define the new business objectives very clearly to the employees. Power of leadership in MYER store In a retail chain store there are generally five powers of leadership which include Coercive power, Reward, Legitimate, Expert power and referent power. The perfect ideal base in building the trust would be clearly understood by the concept of GAPS analysis (Edward and Mbohwa 2013). The GAPS analysis implies requiring and holding the position and take the further next step in developing and manipulating organizational plans. As manifested by the Chemers (2014), the power of leadership can be categorized into four basic segments which comprises of goals, abilities, standards and perceptions. The goals include building cohesiveness among organizational management. The abilities include strengths and weakness of store manager in a retail chain sector (Kumar et al. 2012). The standard implies maintaining employee and culture engagement while perceptions include direct reports and peers of managers. Lead differentially Explanation of the scenario based on decision making system taken by the leaders The store manager basically involves with two management operations; one is task direction and the other is people management. In this organization, the store manager always tries to motivate the employees through various performance appraisal programs and reward management process (Heath et al. 2013). This will help to maintain healthy relationships inside the organization which in turn will increase the profitability of the organization. The manager has chosen transformational leadership style which helps to meet up the customer demands by analyzing their buying patterns. In this aspect, the manager has decided to implement CRM software in their database system. This CRM solution helps to analyze the buying patterns of the customers based on their age, sex and religion (Kumar et al. 2012). Integration of CRM software is very helpful to enhance the relationships with the customers by proving them new kinds of products and services to the customer over the retail platform. Application of CRM software allows the product developers to differentiate the needs of the customers based on their behaviors and characteristics. This is very crucial to maintain customer loyalty and to draw more new customers towards the organization. Another decision taken by the store manager of MYER is the integration of ERP software inside the business applications (Chemers, 2014). It is one of the best application software is used to support large set of activities inside the organization. From product development to payroll, ERP software effectively monitors the business operation by using the central database of the organization. The store manager has inducted a training session to guide the employees about this new software and its applications in the business organization (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy 2015). As a leader the store manager uses this software because combination of this advanced software helps to increase the process efficiency which is very crucial for the success of retail industry. Impact on the followers in MYER Store Integration of new application is always not accepted by the employees of the organization as they are very much comfortable in using older system and process. Employees can think that the manager only thinks about business benefits but do not thinks about their working personnel (Draft 2014).This can raise internal conflict situations such as high turnover of employees. Therefore, it is very necessary for the store manager to define the new business objectives very clearly to the employees. With the business benefits, the strategized objectives should meet up the needs of the employees as per the business goals. Store manager can face challenges from several ends such as high rate of employee turnover, reduction in inventory shrinkage and many others (Beck and Cowan 2014). All these factors affect the business profit negatively. Moreover, employees will not be interested towards the training session if its goals and objectives are not clearly defined. At the initial stage, situation can be conflict, but things can be improved with proper communication between the authorities and the employees. This can help to improve the inconsistency and uncertainty of the retail platform by improving its operation through advanced merchandise operation (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy 2015). This will help to increase the profitability of the organization with a significant growth. According to Griffies (2012), the retail sales organization has developed a direct links to establish a strong bond among different consumer relationships. The standard implies maintaining employee and culture engagement while perceptions include direct reports and peers of managers. Conclusion This assignment concludes with the broad concept of leadership and its enhancing qualities using relevant sources mentioned above. The explanation of leadership with evaluation, attitude, traits, styles and behavior has been clearly reflected in this assignment report. The entire report presents that leadership is very important for all organizational management; hence without leadership one cannot lead differentially (as mentioned above). In the first relative stanzas, the overview of the company is mentioned; whereas using several resources; the principles, evaluation, traits, attitude and types of leadership are clearly highlighted and reflected. The main purpose of this assignment report is to evaluate the base concept of leadership in MYER store which is situated in Melbourne (Australia) with a chosen leader as a store manager. Using the relevant sources of leadership, this report highlighted and reflected all discussions and explanations with the presentation of leadership in any organizational management. Recommendations Strategic Alignment: The leaders should always try to align the business strategies with the business goals which will help to focus on the targets based on the priorities. In order to achieve that, best business process and policies should be engaged with the business applications. Proper Communication: Leaders should set up a proper two way communication platform throughout the organization. With the leading capabilities, the leaders should also listen to their employees and their concerns. This will help to maintain healthy relationships inside the organization which in turn will increase the profitability of the organization. Proper Evaluation: Before adapting any new technology, the leaders should properly evaluate the applications of new applications and should analyze their benefits for the business organization. In addition, the leaders should clearly define the business goals and objectives so that the employees can help to enhance the product and service quality. Extent the Network: The management networks should be extended to make a strong business relationship with the outside world. This outsources can help the leaders to guide their employees for their own personal development as well as for the business growth. Strengthen the Professional Communities: The leaders should always try to look for new business opportunities which can help them to control the risks and mitigate them by providing bets possible solutions. References Agyapong, A. and Boamah, R.B., 2013. Business strategies and competitive advantage of family hotel businesses in Ghana: The role of strategic leadership. 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